Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Mochi's New Home

Got Mochi into a clean, new home. :)

Pics after the jump.

First off, this was the cage Mochi was living in. I like that it was pretty spacious but it was pretty filthy and many of the pieces were glued together because they were broken.


So I went out to get new supplies. They did, in fact, have a habitrail twist. I kinda wish I had time to order one (for cheaper) on amazon but... did you look at the pic in that ^^^^ link??

Mochi was so afraid of being picked up, I had to use his old cardboard hidey hole to scoop him up but I got him in. At first, he was so frantic, scurrying here then there in a panic. But then, he noticed the food.

Food makes everything better.

After stuffing his face, he ran to his heart's content on the wheel to relieve his stress. I had to put clear packing tape over the holes to make sure he wouldn't get hurt and it seems to be a decent temporary measure.

I've also ordered habitrail dwarf habitat and habitrail ovo pad + maze set. The external wheel has shipped! :D Once that arrives, I can take out that big wheel and free up some space. I think I might need some connectors and tubes. 

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