Sunday, December 23, 2012

First cleaning

While Mochi is sleeping this morning, I sealed off the travel pod and cleaned the rest of the cage for the first time. I'll have to clean the travel pod once Mochi is up and active.

The ovo maze and pad came and they're pretty big! As big as the main habitat in the dwarf kit. In fact, the default maze that came in the set might be too big for dwarfs. I think the tree design would be the best bet. Maybe the doll house would work too. For now, I hacked the maze a little, adding a tee joint and elbow joint in each of the second story holes. Hopefully, the entrance will be low enough for Mochi to be able to climb up.

I only hooked up the maze in addition to last time since we'll have to travel to grandma's for Christmas tomorrow. I'll have to disconnect the maze again tomorrow morning.

Since Mochi seems to like seeds so much, I left healthy pellets in the bowl for easy food and some seeds in the maze for reward food. We'll see later tonight just how far he will go for the more delicious seeds.

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