Sunday, December 23, 2012

First cleaning

While Mochi is sleeping this morning, I sealed off the travel pod and cleaned the rest of the cage for the first time. I'll have to clean the travel pod once Mochi is up and active.

The ovo maze and pad came and they're pretty big! As big as the main habitat in the dwarf kit. In fact, the default maze that came in the set might be too big for dwarfs. I think the tree design would be the best bet. Maybe the doll house would work too. For now, I hacked the maze a little, adding a tee joint and elbow joint in each of the second story holes. Hopefully, the entrance will be low enough for Mochi to be able to climb up.

I only hooked up the maze in addition to last time since we'll have to travel to grandma's for Christmas tomorrow. I'll have to disconnect the maze again tomorrow morning.

Since Mochi seems to like seeds so much, I left healthy pellets in the bowl for easy food and some seeds in the maze for reward food. We'll see later tonight just how far he will go for the more delicious seeds.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Continuing onward

Bathtub taming is progressing slowly but Mochi seemed less panicked this second time.  I think I'm gonna do the bathtub taming every other day so he gets a bit of rest.

He's being a picky eater, ignoring the pellets and only eating the yummy seeds. :p

It's easy to tempt him with sunflower seeds. :)

He seems to be adjusting pretty well. He hasn't used the potty as far as I know but he did start sleeping in his room (travel pod).

Friday, December 21, 2012

Starting taming

Today, Mochi and I spent some time in the bathtub to hopefully get him tame. After the bathtub run, Mochi must've felt very tired. He went into the chew log and fell asleep in front of the porthole. It's becoming his favorite spot which is fun for me too.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Minor expansion

Amazon stuff has started to arrive! The habitrail ovo club trainer wheel and dwarf habitat kit arrived today. The trainer wheel really isn't suited for dwarfs. I had hoped when I saw the pic, that it would be pretty solid inside but it has the same slit that the other habitrail wheels have. (Even the one in the dwarf habitat kit had a slit! *sigh*)

Even if the rubber band is supposed to seal the slit, it still is pretty deep for little dwarf feet.

As for the habitat kit, I'm holding off on adding too much space and tubes until he gets really settled and tamed. For now, I just added the pod to one end for the bathroom and the carrier to the other for the bedroom. Though I turned the chew toy/cover over to the clear wall instead of the air above so it would feel more secure but I can still see and Mochi loves it in there now. I think it looks kinda like a hobbit door.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

I am a hamster n00b

I looked into Mochi's cage tonight and couldn't find him anywhere. Panicked, I opened the hatch and dug around the bedding but still nothing! I was about to give up hope when I lifted the food bowl and there he was! He had dug a small circular space beneath the food bowl. He was annoyed that I had woken him and proceeded to the wheel as soon as he became fully awake. I refilled his food bowl, adding a few pieces of fresh carrots this time, and let him be.

He seems to really enjoy the deep bedding and burrowing!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012